MV Winery is a small vineyard and winery in Fair Play that has received multiple national and international awards. The winery has chosen a path of high quality low production wines. Wines that are so rich and complex that they demand your attention and you would remember drinking them a week, month, or even a year later. We offer a lineup of plush and elegant red wines which include a juicy and spicy Zinfandel, a hefty and stylistic Nebbiolo, a bold and generous Malbec, rich and elegant Syrahs, and intense and inky mouth filing Petite Sirahs. Aside from their shared new oak backbone, each is individualistic, showing fully ripe varietal flavors without the intrusion of harsh tannins and hot alcohol. They are wines of mass and attack, but sculpted with grace and balance.
7261 Fairplay Rd, Somerset, CA 95684, USA